On Monday, January 20, the gym will be closed from 6AM to 1PM. Ivy’s 10AM “Get Fit” class has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Antonio Rodriguez, LMSW, Inclusion Program Manager

Creating a Sensory Space at Home

| THU, APR 30, 2020

Hi everyone! It’s Antonio, the Inclusion Program Manager at the 14th Street Y. Last month, I wrote with some ways that families can help children with special needs adapt to…

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For Special-Needs Families Stuck at Home

| TUE, MAR 24, 2020

Hi everyone! It’s Antonio, the Inclusion Program Manager at the 14th Street Y. Essentially, my job is to ensure that any person with developmental disabilities who comes through our doors…

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Making Space for Inclusivity at the 14Y

| WED, DEC 11, 2019

As the Inclusion Program Manager at the 14th Street Y, it is my privilege to welcome children with special needs into our community through our KOL Program, and help make…

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Individuals, Not Labels

| TUE, APR 02, 2019

Hey there! My name is Antonio Rodriguez and I am the Inclusion Program Manager at the 14 Street Y. I am often asked, “What’s an Inclusion Program Manager?” That’s a…

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