Policies & Code of Conduct

Please note that 14Y may occasionally update these policies. We encourage you to check this page periodically to keep apprised of the latest policy changes. Situations that occur after an update has been posted will be subject to the new provisions.

Membership Policies

Freezing Membership – After a 2-month minimum commitment, memberships may be frozen for as long as needed for $10 per month. A frozen membership does not allow access to our facilities or programs, and they begin on the first day of the month. If you would like to freeze your account, please stop by the Service Desk, email servicedesk@14streety.org, or call us at 646-395-4310 before the end of the previous month. When you un-freeze, your membership dues can be prorated for a partial month and will be reinstated at the current price level.

Canceling Membership – After a 2-month minimum commitment, if you need to cancel your membership, please stop by the Service Desk, email servicedesk@14streety.org, or call us at 646-395-4310. We require 10 days notice prior to your next billing in order to cancel your membership for the following month. To help us better understand your needs, we will ask you to fill out a brief questionnaire. Cancellations or refunds for Annual Memberships are not accepted and they do not auto-renew.

Upgrading/Downgrading Membership – You may add or subtract people from your membership at any time. Upgrading or downgrading changes your monthly rate but there are no fees for changing your membership type.  You can do this any time before the end of the month, please stop by the Service Desk, email servicedesk@14streety.org, or call us at 646-395-4310.

Billing – Monthly membership dues are charged to a credit card, debit card, or checking account on the first of every month. Any changes to accounts must be completed before the 1st of the month.

Guest Passes & JCC Guest Privileges – Each membership type is entitled to 6 guest passes per calendar year for friends and neighbors. Please stop by the Service Desk, email servicedesk@14streety.org, or call us at 646-395-4310 for Guest Passes. In addition, as a courtesy, your membership will be honored at most Jewish Community Centers (JCCs), excluding New York City.


14Y Class and Program Policies

Class Registration – You may register for a class online, in person, or by phone. To register at the member rate, your membership must be active for the duration of the class and you must present your membership at the time of registration. To register at the member rate for children’s classes, you must have a One Adult Family or Two Adult Family membership type. Full payment must accompany registration for classes.

Class Schedules – subject to change based on registration.

Pro-Rating – When space permits, we will pro-rate series registrations for some classes. Please stop by the Service Desk, email servicedesk@14streety.org, or call us at 646-395-4310 to inquire.

Transfer of Classes – Spaces for transfers are subject to availability. Please contact the Director of the Program if you are interested.

Trial Classes – Trial Classes are subject to availability. Please contact the Director of the Program you are interested in trying.

Scholarships – Limited scholarships are available for most 14Y Programs including Early Childhood, Youth Programs, 14Y Camps, and Adult Programs. To receive a scholarship application, please contact the Director of the program you are interested in. All requests are strictly confidential. Presently, the 14Y is unable to offer financial scholarships for membership.

Registration Class Refund & Credit Policy* – There are no refunds or credits issued for classes or workshops. There are no refunds issued when withdrawing from a class. Eligibility for program credit is determined by the director of that program. Class withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing to the program director of the appropriate department.

*All fees for 14Y programs including summer camps are nonrefundable.

The 14Y is not responsible for providing makeup classes, issuing credits, or issuing refunds for programs missed as a result of client illness, scheduling conflicts, emergencies, or other events beyond our control. All 14Y programs are subject to change or cancellation. We reserve the right to combine classes.


14Y Code of Conduct

The 14Y reserves the right to suspend or revoke membership and/or program attendance privileges to clients whose behavior is deemed inappropriate or detrimental to the well-being of the 14Y, its members, program participants, or staff. Boisterous behavior and/or profane language or gestures are prohibited on 14Y property. Abusive treatment of members, program participants, and/or staff members shall not be tolerated under any condition. Overt or subtle forms of harassment (physical, verbal, or written) based on race, nation of origin/ethnicity, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability/disability status, or membership in any other legally protected group shall not be tolerated and will be directly addressed. The 14Y aspires to create an environment where staff, members, and guests feel safe to speak about incidents of harassment, and the 14Y aims to protect those community members who speak out.
Should a person, at any time, have due concern for the conduct of a staff member or patron, he/she should contact the Director of Member Experience, Gabriela Cordova at GCordova@14streety.org.


Code of Conduct on 14Y Social Channels:

Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.

No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to our community. Self-promotion, spam, and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.

Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of the 14Y Community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make our community great, but may also be sensitive and private. Sharing personal information other than your own is not permitted.

Any violation of the Code of Conduct will result in being banned from 14Y social channels.


Lost and Found

The 14Y is not responsible for lost personal belongings. If you are missing something, please check our Lost and Found located in the hallway, near the lobby coat rack.

Locker Rental

Locker rentals of large, medium, and small-sized lockers are available for members only on a calendar-year basis. Un-rented lockers are for day use only. Rentals are January-December, are non-refundable and will be prorated based on the date of rental. Day-use lockers may not be used for overnight storage. Both non-rented and day-use lockers are periodically clipped during the year. 14Y is not responsible for belongings left overnight in day-use lockers. At the renewal period each year, rented lockers that are not renewed will be clipped and belongings will be discarded. 14Y is not responsible for the safety of these items if subject to clipping at the end of the year.

Photo Release

The 14Y or its agents may record and/or photograph programs and use such images for publicity at their discretion. Your attendance and/or participation is deemed your consent to appear in such programs, photographs, recordings, print, website, and social media without compensation or notification.

Policy Regarding Israel

We reaffirm that, as we curate our programming going forward, we will continue to welcome a broad range of viewpoints to our platform, including welcoming people who are critical of Israel, as long as they have not and do not actively call for the destruction of the State of Israel or question its legitimacy or right to exist.

Policy Regarding Hate Speech

We reaffirm that, as we curate our programming going forward, we will continue to work to avoid giving a platform to hate speech of any kind, including misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism.

Other Questions?

Contact US