Music to Help You Concentrate

Jacob Waltuck:

Concentrating on your work and priorities, like working from home, can be very hard, but there are plenty of ways to do it. One of them is playing and listening to music—in this case, uplifting and especially calming music.

Folk Music

From Joan Baez and Pete Seeger to Peter, Paul and Mary, folk songs have left a positive impact on me for their mellow tunes. Folk music makes me feel good inside. Just as New Orleans jazz reminds me that my late grandfather will always be with me, folk music, especially from the 1960s, is special to me because my parents grew up during that time. If you want music that can help you stay calm and focused while still keeping your spirits high, folk music is a perfect choice.

Classical Music

Classical music is special to me because it reminds me of my grandparents, who were huge fans of this type of music. From Vivaldi to Beethoven, classical music helps me keep going while at the same time calming the mind. Listening to it also makes me think of when my mom and dad play this when I’m in a bad state.

Celtic Music

Celtic music is one of my favorite types of world music. This is not just because my mother listened to Enya when I was in her womb, but its gentle melodies and calming vibes leave me with a warm feeling in my heart. I often listen to this when I have stressful experiences. Celtic music, from Ireland’s Enya to Scotland’s Julie Fowlis, is more than enough to help you release stress and stay focused.

Brandon and Derek Fiechter

While music with words helps me concentrate, instrumental songs can do the same. Brandon and Derek Fiechter are solid examples. Their music can be upbeat or gentle, and either way their tunes have a way of taking you into their world, from the African plains to a medieval kingdom. When I listen to their music, it gives me the feeling of working in a tranquil environment, regardless of the theme. Not many people know of these artists, but Brandon and Derek are truly worth checking out and listening to if you need a tranquil work area. The songs of Zeno Mountain Farm, a camp I go to, and the Beatles, among other tunes, help me concentrate too.

I asked my friend Jacob Ross which music helps him concentrate and calm down.

Jacob Ross:

Folk music helps me concentrate, especially Peter, Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger, and The Weavers. Listening to soft rock like Green Day and Katy Perry makes me feel upbeat. Irish music such as Lord of the Dance and songs by Celtic Thunder also makes me feel good. These are the main tunes that not only help me stay focused, but also calm me down.

Which music helps you concentrate and stay calm the most?