Please note that the following fitness classes will be cancelled during the week of February 17: Pilates Fusion with Jennifer, Functional Yoga with Amrita, Midday Moving Meditation with Jennifer, and Shake Your Soul with Ronni. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

One Small Way To Preserve Our Environment


Dear Y Friend and those I haven’t met yet,

I’m a member of the 14th Street Y and you may have seen me distributing vegetables or teaching  a juggling class here at the Y. I’m grateful to the Y for giving me these volunteer opportunities. However, recently, perhaps like many of you, I have been dismayed by the state of affairs in our country and want to be part of the solution. Every way I turn, there is something I care about that needs my attention. I sign innumerable petitions, but I am no longer able to march, demonstrate, go to meeting after meeting, etc. I was beginning to feel really discouraged when I read something from a long-time activist from Chicago. She said that we need to figure out what we have to give, and who (or what) to give it to.

That made sense to me. What I have to give is my continuing work with the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at the 14th Street Y. I believe that it is critical that the EPA continue to enforce the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts—and I am concerned that this enforcement is weakening. I believe that it is critical that the Department of Agriculture continue to certify organic farms, which is in dispute. The current atmosphere is not friendly to policies that were set in place to preserve our environment. It seems overwhelming, but we can do something. We can help save one organic farm by purchasing a share of Mountain View Farm CSA through our 14th Street Y CSA.  At the same time, you will receive farm to table organic vegetables for delicious, healthful meals.

I hope you’ll join me in this one small way to resist damaging changes to our environment and support sustainable farming by joining our CSA. And if politics aren’t your thing, maybe good vegetables can be! You can find brochures with detailed information at the Service Desk. You can learn more about our farm’s website,, and feel free to contact me at

Thank you!

Alice Bosveld



14th Street Y CSA

Pick up fresh, local, organic produce in the Lobby of the 14th Street Y every other Tuesday from 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Sign up by Monday, May 28 for the 2018 Summer CSA Share

Shares are delivered biweekly from early June through the end of October, for a total of 11 distributions. Each pre-boxed share will include 8-12 different items including seasonally available vegetables, herbs, and fruit, like strawberries, peaches, and apples!

14th Street Y 2018 CSA Form

Learn more about the 14th Street Y CSA here.