On Friday, January 24, the gym will be closed from 6:00 AM to 9:45 AM. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Emergency LABA Artist Funding

Applications are now closed.

Arevim Ze Laze      ערבים זה לזה
Responsible for One Another

Applications are now closed.

Artists all over the world are struggling during this current crisis.

LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture, an international network of artists inspired by classical Jewish text has decided to practice what we study and follow the sentence coined by Hazal and be “Arevim Ze Laze” – responsible for one another.

Therefore as a big extended family we are here to support our artists in good times and not so good times. LABA has been the recipient of a $25,000 grant from the CANVAS Foundation to go to artists in need from our network. LABA will provide relief through an Emergency Unrestricted Grant of up to $1500 based on immediate need and financial impact of COVID-19. Note that funding will be awarded in order of most urgent need: lack of resources to purchase food, inability to pay rent, medical needs/cost, etc.

Please fill out our short application so that we can distribute this support as urgently as possible. Our hope is that it can serve as a moment of relief and help us all bridge this period with each others’ support. And thank you to CANVAS for their unwavering support of artists during this time.