Attention 14Y+Sirovich Members: Functional Yoga with Amrita is cancelled today, May 9th. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Instructional Classes and Open Play

14Y offers indoor Pickleball classes and open play in our gymnasium. Check out the fastest growing sport in the country! 

Spring Session: April 2 – June 18
Registration is currently open for Spring 2024.

14Y Pickleball Open Play and Instructional Classes

Tuesday Classes and Open Play | For Adults 18+

April 2 – June 18
Beginner (Session 1) | 11:00 AM –12:00 PM
Beginner (Session 2) | 12:00 –1:00 PM
Beginner (Session 3) | 1–2:00 PM
M $250 | NM $325
No class on April 23 and April 30

This class is designed for inexperienced players to learn to play the game of doubles Pickleball in a supportive environment. Classes will be composed of drills and playing real games. Students will learn the rules, how to keep score, and be ready to play safely with friends and family. No prior experience is required.

Open Play

April 2 – June 18
Beginner (Session 1) | 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Adv. Beginner (Session 2) | 12:00–1:30 PM
M $230 | NM $300

Beginner: You have graduated from Beginner pickleball instruction and can apply class fundamentals to recreational play. You must know the rules and how to keep score. A net and balls are provided. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Advanced Beginner: You have taken the 14Y beginner course, or a comparable program and have been playing consistently for 3+ months. You know the rules, where you stand for serving, and how to keep score. You are starting to apply strategy to your recreational play. We provide the net and indoor pickleballs. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Thursday Open Play | For Adults 18+
Open Play

April 4 – June 13
Intermediate | 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
M $230 | NM $300

Intermediate: You are a consistent player in the No Volley Zone Line. You assess the abilities of yourself, your teammate, and your opponents. You incorporate strategy into the game. We provide the net and indoor balls. Participants must bring their own paddles.

Friday Classes and Open Play | For Adults 18+

April 5 – June 14
Beginner (Session 1) | 11:00 AM –12:00 PM
Beginner (Session 2) | 12:00 –1:00 PM
Intermediate (Session 3) | 1:00 – 2:00 PM
M: $250 | NM $325
No class on April 26 and June 7

Beginner: This class is designed for inexperienced players to learn to play the game of doubles Pickleball in a supportive environment. Classes will be composed of drills and playing real games. Students will learn the rules, how to keep score, and be ready to play safely with friends and family. No prior experience is required.

Intermediate: This class is designed for consistent recreational doubles players looking to move from high beginner to intermediate level. Drilling and technique is designed to incorporate strategy into your game. You have taken a beginner class and have been playing 1-2 years. You may only take intermediate pickleball instruction ONE TIME. You must bring you own paddle.

Open Play

April 5 – June 14
Beginner (Session 1) | 10:30 – 12PM
Adv. Beginner (Session 2) | 12:00 –1:30PM
M $230 | NM $300

Beginner: You have graduated from Beginner pickleball instruction and can apply class fundamentals to recreational play. You must know the rules and how to keep score. A net and balls are provided. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Advanced Beginner: You have taken the 14Y beginner course, or a comparable program and have been playing consistently for 3+ months. You know the rules, where you stand for serving, and how to keep score. You are starting to apply strategy to your recreational play. We provide the net and indoor pickleballs. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Saturday Open Play | For Adults 18+
Open Play

April 6 – June 15
M $230 | NM $300

Morning Open Play
Beginner (Session 1A) 9:00 AM –10:30 AM
Adv. Beginner (Session 1B) 10:30 AM –12:00 PM
Adv. Beginner (Session 2A) 9:00 AM–10:30 AM
Intermediate (Session 2B) 10:30 AM –12:00 PM

NEW! Evening Open Play
Beginner (Session 1A) 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Adv. Beg (session 1B) 6:00 PM–7:30 PM
Adv. Beg (session 2A) 4:30 PM –6:00 PM
Intermediate (sessions 2B) 6:00 PM –7:30PM

Beginner: You have graduated from beginner pickleball instruction and are able to apply class fundamentals to recreational play. You must know the rules and how to keep score. A net and balls are provided. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Advanced Beginner: You have taken the 14Y beginner course, or a comparable program, and have been playing consistently for 3+ months. You know the rules, where you stand for serving, and how to keep score. You are starting to apply strategy to your recreational play. We provide the net and indoor pickleballs. Participants must bring their own paddle.

Intermediate: You are a consistent player in the No Volley Zone Line. You assess the abilities of yourself, your teammate, and your opponents. You incorporate strategy into the game. We provide the net and indoor balls. Participants must bring their own paddles.

Basic Pickleball Rules
For a full list of rules, please visit the USA Pickleball website.

Pickleball is played either as doubles (two players per team) or singles.

Any fair method can be used to determine which player or team has first choice of side, service, or receive.

When the ball is served, the receiving team must let it bounce before returning, and then the serving team must let it bounce before returning, thus two bounces. This is called the Two-Bounce Rule, rule eliminates the serve and volley advantage and extends rallies.

After the ball has bounced once in each team’s court, both teams may either volley the ball (hit the ball before it bounces) or play it off a bounce (ground stroke).

Points are scored only by the serving team.

Games are normally played to 11 points, win by 2.

Questions? Email us at or call us at 646-395-4310.

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